Mid-Semester Feedback in Blue

For Course Heads:

Instructions for opting in and setting up your course in Blue


This Document (.pdf) has detailed instructions for course heads on how to opt in to mid-semester feedback.


When a course head opts in at https://harvard.bluera.com/harvard/, they will have the opportunity to select all TFs/TAs/CAs who teach a section and should receive midterm feedback. If any members of the instructional team who teach section/lab are not listed, please contact your department administrator to make updates in the admin.my.harvard, Schedule of Classes.


Important Dates: Spring 2024

  • February 5-16: Faculty sign up their course(s) to participate.
  • February 21-28: Students complete the feedback form. Students can find the forms in the Canvas site for each course under the Course Evaluations tab, or at https://harvard.bluera.com/harvard.
  • March 4: Feedback is available for instructors.

The Feedback Form


The mid-semester feedback form consists of the following questions:

  1. What aspects of this course are most effective at helping you learn? Why?

  2. What aspects of this course are least effective at helping you learn? Why?

  3. What suggestions do you have regarding the course as a whole? Please give your instructor(s) one or two specific, practical suggestions on ways to help you improve your learning in this course.

  4. How engaged are you with the course content?
    Not at all engaged/Slightly engaged/Moderately engaged/Very engaged/Extremely engaged

  5. How effective is the use of class time?
    Not at all effective/Slightly effective/Moderately effective/Very effective/Extremely effective

  6. How effective are the assignment and out-of-class work?
    Not at all effective/Slightly effective/Moderately effective/Very effective/Extremely effective

  7. The following statements ask you to consider the inclusive environment of the course. Which of the following statements do you agree with? Check all that apply.

    1. I feel like I belong in this course.

    2. I feel like the instructor(s) value(s) my presence and participation in class.

    3. I feel like the other students contribute to an inclusive environment in the course.

    4. I feel like the course materials include a diversity of perspectives and identities.

If a course head selects TFs/TAs/CAs in Blue when opting in to mid-semester feedback, students will also respond to the following set of questions:

  1. What aspects of section/lab are most effective at helping you learn? Why?

  2. What aspects of section/lab are least effective at helping you learn? Why?

  3. What suggestions do you have regarding section/lab? Please give your section instructor one or two specific, practical suggestions on ways to help you improve your learning in this course.

  4. Overall, how would you rate your experience in section/lab?
    Excellent/ Very Good/ Good/ Fair/ Poor

Note: the survey does not ask for feedback about individual faculty instructors. 


Reports will be viewable only by course instructors; feedback will not be accessible to anyone outside of the course. A course head will see the feedback for TFs/TAs/CAs in their course. TFs/TAs/CAs will only see the feedback for their own section.


  • If you have questions about the Blue platform, please contact evals@fas.harvard.edu
  • If you would like to consult with someone about interpreting your feedback, contact the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at bokcenter@fas.harvard.edu